Thursday, January 29, 2015

TechTip Thursday: Resolving Basic Tech Issues

Hello everyone! Welcome to another TechTip Thursday. Today I will be discussing some simple solutions to resolve basic tech problems. Issues such as your phone freezing or running slow can possibly be solve by doing any one of these solutions. 

On/Off - Easy as that! With some devices the first thing you should try is turning it completely off and on again. Doing this can allow your phone to work again or force close the app that is causing the issue. If your device is frozen and won't allow you to turn it off, then just let the device run until it is out of power or pull the battery from the back of the device, if possible. 

Free Up Memory - sometimes your internal storage can be too full causing your device to slow down. You can delete apps your don't use, music, pictures, or video. Anything that takes up memory can affect you. 

Hard Reset - This is a last resort for your phone. Doing this will completely restore you phone to when you got it the first day. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. You will completely lose any thing you have on your phone. You can reinstall apps from your apple or android account, but any data saved on the phone will be lost.

There it is! If you have any questions about anything I talked about today, come by the Hub or contact us on social media. 

Check back next week for another TechTip!

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

TechTip Thursday: How To Change Start Up Programs On Mac And PC

Hello again! Today I will be showing you guys on how to change which programs begin on start up. There are different ways to do it for Windows 7, 8, and Mac.


Mac OS X 10.3 or later
  1. Log in as the user who wishes to have a login item or as an admin user.
  2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
  3. Choose Accounts from the View menu.
  4. Click the name of the user.
  5. Mac OS X 10.3.x: Click the Startup Items button.
    Mac OS X 10.4 or later: Click the Login Items button.
  6. Click the "Add {+}" button.
The item you selected will automatically open the next time you log in.

Mac OS X 10.2.8 or earlier
  1. Log in to Mac OS X as the user who wishes to have a login item (See tip 1).
  2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
  3. Choose Login Items from the View menu (tip 2).
  4. Click Add.
  5. Select an application or document in the dialog box that appears.
  6. Click Add (tip 3). 
The item you selected will automatically open the next time you log in.
Windows 7:

  1. Press Win-r . In the "Open:" field, type msconfig and press Enter .
  2. Click the Startup tab.
  3. Uncheck the items you do not want to launch on startup.
  4. When you have finished making your selections, click OK.
  5. In the box that appears, click Restart to restart your computer

Windows 8:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  2. Select Task Manager
  3. Click on the Start Up tab near the top of the window
  4. Highlight any item by clicking on it 
  5. Enable or disable any application by pressing the button on the bottom right

There you have it, if you have any questions, contact us on social media or visit us at the Hub.

Check back next week for another TechTip!

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Facebook: DiscoverE Hub

Thursday, January 15, 2015

TechTip Thursday: Word to PDF and PDF to Word

Hello everyone! Glad to see everyone again this semester. Today I will be talking about how to save a Word document as a PDF file and how to convert a PDF file to a Word document.

First we will go over on how to save a Word document as a PDF.

After your document edited, save it. You can click on the file menu and click on save as. This is demonstrated by the GIF below.

From here you can select where your document will be saved.

After you have selected a destination, you can select the file type on the drop down box named Save-As Type and select PDF

Finally you can click save and it will bring up your newly saved PDF.

There you have it! A newly saved PDF file. Now I will show you have to convert that same PDF file back to a Word document.

Usually this is a feature that is included with your Adobe reader, but it will cost money to use this feature. The free and easy way is to use a website that can do this for you. Doing a simple Google search for "PDF to Word converter" will yield many different results. Some will require sign up and others have a limited usage amount. I will show you a site that I personally use for this that has proven to be reliable.

The site is: this site provides an easy way to obtain converted files through your email but only allows 5 free converts per email.

As you can see below, you can select what file type you want to convert to. There are a few different options for to select from, but we'll just focus on PDF to Word. Simply follow the instructions on the site and it will email the converted file to the address you enter.

Once you receive the file you will be asked to download it. If you do not see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder for it. 

There you have it, if you have any questions, contact us on social media or visit us at the Hub.

Check back next week for another TechTip!

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Facebook: DiscoverE Hub

Thursday, January 8, 2015

TechTip Thursday: Fun Google Searches

Today I will you show some different fun searches you can do with Google that will give you interesting results! Type any of these phrases and Google will give you a surprise!

Atari Breakout

Typing this into Google's image search will begin a game of breakout using the images as blocks. This classic game is fun and addictive so don't spend too much time!!!

Do A Barrel Roll

This phrase will cause you Google search to spin around in a circle. This is phrase is from the popluar StarFox game for the Nintendo 64.

Here is a list of other cool searches you can try:

Blink HTML

Zerg Rush


Google in 1998

Check back next week for another TechTip!

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Facebook: DiscoverE Hub

Thursday, January 1, 2015

TechTip Thursday: ALT Codes.

Hey everyone, back again with another helpful tip. Every wonder how to get those unique characters like this ↓>☺♦♣. Well today I show you the easy way to do this as well provide a guide showing all the ALT codes. 

So in order to get these unique symbols, you will need to make sure your NUM Lock is on. This button allows you to use your key pad.

 Once you have it on you can begin by holding down ALT, then punching in the appropriate code number for the symbol you want. Finally release ALT and you will have your symbol! 

Here is a list of the different ALT codes:

These are just a few different codes you can enter. You can find more the Google searching "ALT Codes". This is just a quick reference to some that are commonly used.

Oh, and Happy New Year!!!

Check back next week for another TechTip!

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